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�����ڵ�λ�ã�博天堂备用网址-博天堂在线开户网站 > ������ѷ > �����ڸɴ�pvoc��֤��ҫע��ʲô



2023-08-09 ���� 12ʱ13��12�� ������









����appliances shall be marked with the following information in english and/or

����english and swahili languages. the marking shall be easily legible and durable.

��������ʒ������ӣ�ļ���˹��ϣ�����ա�ע������ϣ�� ��щ��ϣ�����ױ��ϲ��־����õģ���

����1)name, trade mark or identification mark of the manufacturer or responsible vendor


����2) country of origin ��ԭ���أ�

����3) rated voltage or rated voltage range in volts (incorporating 220v or 240v)


����4��symbol for nature of supply or rated frequency or frequency range �c incorporating 50 hz����դ���ʷ��ţ� �ƶ��50hz,���߰���50hz�ķ�χ��

����5) model or type reference���ͺţ�

����6) symbol for class ii construction for class ii appliances only





����?1) rfc�������

����?2)��ʽ��ʊ(proforma invoice)

����?3)װ�䵥(packing list)

����?4)��ʒ���ա���(product��s test report)

����?����, ��ҫʱ���ṩ

����?5)������iso��ϵ֤��(qms certificate)

����?6)�������ߵ��ڲ����ա���(factory��s internal test report)


����?*��ѡ��route b,����ҫ��д�ǽ�֤�������







����? a;�� �� ���û�в�ʒ�ǽ�ż�����ڻ�����л���ij�����

����? b;�� �� ���ƶ�����ڵ�������/��ӧ��/������

����? c;�� �� ���ƶ�������ҵ�����������
































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